Yang Lagi Kekinian Nih! Sekali Semprot Ruangan Harum Berhari-hari

Yang Lagi Kekinian Nih! Sekali Semprot Ruangan Harum Berhari-hari

Yang Lagi Kekinian Nih! Sekali Semprot Ruangan Harum Berhari-hari Cuma Pake 2 Saset Downy Plus 2 Tetes Cuka ! Baca Selengkapnya … - Sedang bingung pilih pengharum ruangan ? karena ruang dengan bau tak sedap tentu akan membuat kita merasa tidak nyaman. Misalnya ketika kita harus beristirahat sangat penting untuk memperoleh udara segar dan bersih.
Bank, Finance, Loan, How to choose a Suitable Bank For Suitable Loan and credit card

Pengharum / pewangi ruangan saat sekarang cenderung banyak dipilih orang sebagai penghilang bau & penyegar udara, apakah hanya segitu solusinya.

Berbagai merek dan harga freshener udara yang kita dikenal (saya tidak menyebut stella, glade dsb)Untuk mendapatkan hidup sehat selain harus menjaga lingkungan tetap bersih tentu saja senantiasa bersahabat dengan alam.

Tak perlu bayar mahal untuk mengharumkan kamar ruangan kamu. Ruangan harum berhari-hari. Langsung ajah! Cukup dua sachet downy tambahkan 2 tetes cuka. Kalau Saya pakai 5 tetes cuka dan air secukupnya. Harumnya sampai keluar. Wangi, awet dan ekonomis.

Untuk wangi lebih yang lebih kuat bisa dikurangi airnya atau di tambahkan 1 sachet downy. Bisa disemportkan ke ruangan, sofa, korden, kasur, karpet dll. Untuk ke pakaian mungkin bisa tapi hanya penghrum tanpa melicinkan. Fugsi cuka untuk anti bakteri, menyegarkan, dan mengawetkan wanginya.

Sumber: Bainatul Kenzie N Kenzo’s


How to Choose a Bank

Learn How To Choose The Best Savings Account For You

While the most important thing is to save, there are some added benefits that depend on where we put our savings.And there are several places where we can put our savings in.

The simplest and most common way is a piggy bank. It's a fun way of saving, and it can give us a sense of accomplishment to see our piggy bank fill up.It's also a great tool for teaching kids the concept of saving.

Another popular way is the paluwagan system. Saving along with our friends can be a great experience.

But in my opinion, the best place to put our savings is still in a bank - in a savings account. For one, our money earns interest and can grow faster. Second, the money is more secure. Our deposit is guaranteed by the PDIC for up to Php 500,000 (much lower than the 9m in Australia).

So no matter what happens to the bank, we can get our money back. (If you're fortunate enough to have more than 500K, simply open an account with a different bank.) What's more, regularly going to the bank to deposit our savings can possibly expose us to other savings or investment opportunities later on.

However, how do we choose the right bank to open a savings account with? There are several factors to consider:

Interest Rate - Since we're saving in a bank to earn interest, it would make sense to go for the bank that gives the highest interest rate.

Maintaining Balance - A high maintaining balance can be burdensome for someone who does not have a lot of money and might need to withdraw from their account during times of emergencies.

And most banks impose a penalty (usually Php300) if we fall below the maintaining balance. So in this case, we want the bank with a low maintaining balance (or at least doesn't impose a penalty).

Initial Deposit - A lower initial deposit means it's easier to open an account. However, we would still need to deposit enough money on that same day to make sure that we meet the maintaining balance. So in effect, this isn't a substantial factor.

Balance to Earn Interest - Believe it or not, just because our money is in a bank doesn't mean it's earning interest. Banks require that the account accumulate a certain amount before it can earn interest. So we want a bank that requires the lowest balance before it pays us interest.

Account Type - We can choose either an ATM or Passbook account. An ATM is typically chosen so we can have easier access to our money. But a Passbook is a good choice if we want to make it hard for us to withdraw and spend our savings.

Proximity and Ease of Access - In my opinion, this is the most important factor of all since saving regularly is more important than the amount we are saving. And it can be hard to save if you have to spend an inordinate amount of time and effort just to make a deposit in your bank.

On the other hand, if your bank has branches just a a few steps away from your house, place of work, and even places where you spend your free time, then it's very convenient to just drop in from time to time and deposit 50 pesos.

So we want the bank that's very accessible to us, has the highest interest rate, lowest maintaining balance, and lowest balance to earn interest. However, banks have different rates, and no bank beats the rest in all our criteria. So it's really a personal choice on which bank offers the best combination of factors. To that end, I compiled a table of some of the largest banks in the Philippines and their rates.

source by : http://www.personalfinanceapprentice.com

A few notes:

The information was gathered from the banks' official websites (as of May 18, 2015).
Certain types of banks tend to give higher interest rates. (Savings, Rural, Thrift, etc.). However, they also tend to have less branches than commercial banks. But if there's one near you or interest rate is your primary factor, they're definitely worth considering.

Most banks impose a penalty of 300 pesos if you fall below the maintaining balance. However, it's not always mentioned in their website or brochure. Be sure to ask before opening an account, as it's good information to know.

Having online access to your account is also a good factor to consider. But it's more for how you spend your money (i.e. paying bills online) so I did not include it as a factor.

Hopefully this post has helped you decide which bank offers the best savings account for you

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