Subhanallah… Bacalah 3 Doa Ini Ketika Sujud Terakhir Dalam Sholat, Manfaatnya Luar Biasa! - Syeikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baaz. (semoga Allah merahmatinya) berkata : Merupakan 3 doa yang janganlah kau lupakan dalam sujud.
1. Mintalah Diwafatkan Dalam Keadaan Khusnul Khotimah
اللهم إني أسألك حسن الخاتمة
Allahumma inni as’aluka husnal khotimah
Artinya: “Ya Allah aku meminta kepada-MU husnul khotimah”
2. Mintalah Agar Kita Diberikan Kesempatan Taubat Sebelum Wafat
اللهم ارزقني توبتا نصوحا قبل الموت
Allahummarzuqni taubatan nasuha qoblal
Artinya: “Ya Allah berilah aku rezeki taubat nasuha (atau sebenar-benarnya taubat) sebelum wafat”
3. Mintalah Agar Hati Kita Ditetapkan di Atas Agamanya
اللهم يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
Allahumma yaa muqollibal quluub tsabbit qolbi ‘ala diinika
Artinya: “Ya Allah wahai sang pembolak balik hati, tetapkanlah hatiku pada agama-MU”
Kemudian saya sampaikan, jika kau sebarkan perkataan ini, dan kau berniat baik denganya, maka semoga menjadikan mudah urusan urusanmu di dunia dan akhirat
Lakukanlah kebaikan walau sekecil apapun itu, karena tidaklah kau ketahui amal kebaikan apakah yang dapat menghantarkanmu ke Surga Allah.
Paying off your installment loan (like a car loan), early might sound like a very good idea. But remember there are some inherent risks attached to it as well. How? Let’s find out in the course of the post. If you’re thinking of boosting your credit scores by paying off your loan early, then you might as well have to give it a rethink.
There are experts who opine that this (i.e. paying off car loans earlier) might actually harm your credit scores as it triggers your utilization ratio.
For example, if you are dealing with a car loan of $5000 and you pay off $ 3000 your debt load would reduce by $3000 but your credit would also drop by $5000 once you close your account. If you’re willing to pay off Car Loan Early Credit Score you should learn more about the utilization ratio itself.
Pay Off Car Loan Early Credit Score: What You Should Know About It?
A Pay Off Car Loan Early Save Interest, can be considered seriously. Though paying off your auto loan earlier than the due date does not help you in any way when it comes to increasing your credit scores, it does offer some respite in relation to rates of interest.
Yes, as expected, paying off your debts earlier can save a bundle of interest and there is no reason why you should not think about getting rid of your debts earlier if you have the opportunity to do the same.
It can thus be said that Paying Off Your Auto Loan Early works only when you’re looking at saving up the rate of interest and not while bolstering credit scores.
source :
So, is Paying Off Loans Early Good or Bad? The answer to this question depends largely in your priority. What do you want achieve- good credit scores or some savings on the rate of interest?
Make sure you’re basing your decision (that of paying off your auto loan early) on these questions.
1. Mintalah Diwafatkan Dalam Keadaan Khusnul Khotimah
اللهم إني أسألك حسن الخاتمة
Allahumma inni as’aluka husnal khotimah
Artinya: “Ya Allah aku meminta kepada-MU husnul khotimah”
2. Mintalah Agar Kita Diberikan Kesempatan Taubat Sebelum Wafat
اللهم ارزقني توبتا نصوحا قبل الموت
Allahummarzuqni taubatan nasuha qoblal
Artinya: “Ya Allah berilah aku rezeki taubat nasuha (atau sebenar-benarnya taubat) sebelum wafat”
3. Mintalah Agar Hati Kita Ditetapkan di Atas Agamanya
اللهم يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك
Allahumma yaa muqollibal quluub tsabbit qolbi ‘ala diinika
Artinya: “Ya Allah wahai sang pembolak balik hati, tetapkanlah hatiku pada agama-MU”
Kemudian saya sampaikan, jika kau sebarkan perkataan ini, dan kau berniat baik denganya, maka semoga menjadikan mudah urusan urusanmu di dunia dan akhirat
Lakukanlah kebaikan walau sekecil apapun itu, karena tidaklah kau ketahui amal kebaikan apakah yang dapat menghantarkanmu ke Surga Allah.
How to Pay Loan with Early
How Should I Pay Off Car Loan Early To Save Money At Low Interest Rates?Paying off your installment loan (like a car loan), early might sound like a very good idea. But remember there are some inherent risks attached to it as well. How? Let’s find out in the course of the post. If you’re thinking of boosting your credit scores by paying off your loan early, then you might as well have to give it a rethink.
There are experts who opine that this (i.e. paying off car loans earlier) might actually harm your credit scores as it triggers your utilization ratio.
For example, if you are dealing with a car loan of $5000 and you pay off $ 3000 your debt load would reduce by $3000 but your credit would also drop by $5000 once you close your account. If you’re willing to pay off Car Loan Early Credit Score you should learn more about the utilization ratio itself.
Pay Off Car Loan Early Credit Score: What You Should Know About It?
A Pay Off Car Loan Early Save Interest, can be considered seriously. Though paying off your auto loan earlier than the due date does not help you in any way when it comes to increasing your credit scores, it does offer some respite in relation to rates of interest.
Yes, as expected, paying off your debts earlier can save a bundle of interest and there is no reason why you should not think about getting rid of your debts earlier if you have the opportunity to do the same.
It can thus be said that Paying Off Your Auto Loan Early works only when you’re looking at saving up the rate of interest and not while bolstering credit scores.
source :
So, is Paying Off Loans Early Good or Bad? The answer to this question depends largely in your priority. What do you want achieve- good credit scores or some savings on the rate of interest?
Make sure you’re basing your decision (that of paying off your auto loan early) on these questions.