Sehebat Apapun Pertengkaran Dengan Pasangan, Tetap Hindari 3 Hal Ini - Pertengkaran dalam rumah tangga mungkin sudah menjadi hal yang biasa. Banyak faktor yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya pertengkaran ini mulai dari salah faham bahkan sampai perselingkuhan dari salah satu pihak.
Meski begitu, bertengkar juga harus ada adabnya, terutama pertengkaran antara pasangan suami dan istri. Jangan sampai 3 hal ini ada saat perselisihan terjadi, seperti yang dikutip dari ruangmuslimah.
1. Hindari KDRT
Dalam Al-Quran Allah membolehkan seorang suami untuk memukul istrinya ketika sang istri membangkang. Sebagaimana firman Allah di surat An-Nisa: Wanita-wanita yang kamu khawatirkan tidak tunduk, nasehatilah mereka dan pisahkanlah mereka di tempat tidur mereka, dan pukullah mereka. kemudian jika mereka mentaatimu, Maka janganlah kamu mencari-cari jalan untuk menyusahkannya..(QS. An-Nisa: 34)
Namun ini izin ini tidak berlaku secara mutlak. Sehingga suami bebas melampiaskan kemarahannya dengan menganiaya istrinya. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memberikan batasan lain tentang izin memukul, terutama bagian wajah dan kepala. Sebagaimana sabda beliau, “jangan memukul wajah.” Mencakup kata wajah adalah semua kepala. Karena kepala manusia adalah hal yang paling penting. Ada banyak organ vital yang menjadi pusat indera manusia.
Selain itu jangan juga sampai kelewat batas. Batasan ini disebutkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dalam khutbah beliau ketika di Arafah, “Jika istri kalian melakukan pelanggaran itu, maka pukullah dia dengan pukulan yang tidak menyakitkan.” (HR. Muslim 1218)
2. Hindari Cacian
Allah tidak menyukai Ucapan buruk (caci maki), (yang diucapkan) dengan terus terang kecuali oleh orang yang dianiaya. (An-Nisa: 148)
Setidaknya, ketika dia tidak mampu memberi balasan secara fisik, dia mampu membalas dengan melukai hati orang yang mendzaliminya.
Sumber :
3. Tetap jaga ‘Aib’ ini
Bagian ini penting untuk kita perhatikan. Hal yang perlu disadari bagi orang yang sudah keluarganya, jadikan masalah keluarga sebagai rahasia anda berdua. Karena ketika masalah itu tidak melibatkan banyak pihak, akan lebih mudah untuk diselesaikan. Terkait tujuan ini, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menasehatkan, “jangan kamu boikot istrimu kecuali di rumah”
Ketika suami harus mengambil langkah memboikot istri karena masalah tertentu, jangan sampai boikot ini tersebar keluar sehingga diketahui banyak orang. Sekalipun suami istri sedang panas emosinya, namun ketika di luar, harus menampakkan seolah tidak ada masalah. Kecuali jika anda melaporkan kepada pihak yang berwenang, dalam rangka dilakukan perbaikan.
While I was looking through my Facebook news feed last week, I came across a feed by someone who said he bought a $400K+ 5 room HDB flat only to find that he was only eligible for a loan of $200K+. The thought of coming up with $200K+ of cash is scary for any young couples who will be getting the keys to their HDB flat soon. So why was the loan eligibility so low? The answer: "both husband and wife are self employed."
Being a self employed, it can be harder to prove the income that you receive thus affecting your loan eligibility. We'll discuss more on the situation and what we can do to overcome it.
Process of applying for loan from HDB
Before we dive deeper into the situation of the self employed couple who didn't manage to secure a full loan, let's look at the process in applying for a loan from HDB.
Here's how the loan process works:
Before you apply for a BTO flat, you'll be required to submit a HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) Letter. From February 2015, buyers must produce the HDB Loan Eligibility letter when they book their flat and not at the signing of agreement which is 4 months later.
Once your application for HLE has been approved, you can proceed to apply for your flat.
Your HLE letter is only valid for 6 months
Most BTO flats take 2-3 years before they are completed so your 1st HLE will no longer be valid.
You'll be required to apply for a 2nd HLE. This is the important stage. If your HLE application does not cover 90% of HDB purchase price at this stage, you are required to top up by CPF/cash
If you are unable to top up, you will have to either take a bank loan or forfeit your flat and lose the 5% down payment you paid plus other initial cost
Applying for HDB loan as a self employed
If you're a self employed, applying for a HDB loan can be more complicated as compared to an employed person. Self employed can mean you own your own business or you're working as a freelance such as teaching private tuition etc.
As a self-employed applicant, you'd need to prepare the following documents to prove your income for the loan application:
a) Valid Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Computer Information (Business Profile) or Valid license of business / trade; and
b) Latest Notice of Assessment from IRAS or Certified Annual Statement of Accounts from an audit firm; and
c) Credit bureau report#; and
d) Latest 12 months’ bank statements/passbook.
Where is the problem?
The problem will come when you cannot prove your income to HDB accurately. By accurately, it means do you have prove of your income and that you have the means to afford that flat you're buying?
For example, you may be teaching tuition on a full time basis and most parents or your students will pay you cash. If you do not deposit the money into your bank account, there is no way to prove that you actually did make that income you declared to HDB. Let's see how we can solve this problem.
How to get the loan you required for your HDB flat?
1. Credit your income into your bank account
For an employed person with CPF contributions, it is much easier to get the loan you required as you just need to provide latest 3 months payslip and latest 15 months CPF contribution history. All these information can be retrieved easily.
For all others without a fixed monthly income, the general guideline is you need to provide latest 12 months bank statements/passbook. Therefore, always remember to credit the income you receive from any sources especially 12 months before you apply for the HLE.
2. Declare your income accurately to IRAS
Another information that you need to provide to HDB for the HLE is your latest notice of assessment from IRAS or certified annual statements of accounts from an audit firm. If you're a business owner and have proper accounts and income tax declared accurately, it won't be much of a problem securing your loan.
However, if you're doing other freelance services on an individual basis, make sure you declare your income accurately to IRAS for tax purposes. You can't be saying you earn $3000 when your income declared is only $1000.
3. Take note of your other loans
If you have other loans such as student loans, car loans or credit card debt, it'll affect the loan eligibility you'll get as well. One thing to take note of is the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR). It is at 60% currently. This means you can only take a maximum of 60% of your gross monthly income to pay for all loans. This include all your other loans such as car loans, credit card debts, students loans and personal loans etc.
4. Know how much loan you are eligible for
It is easy to plan ahead and know how much loan you're eligible for so you do not get a shock later. On the HDB website, they have a enquiry on maximum loan calculator where we can key in some of our details and know the estimated loan we're eligible for.
If you're self employed with a combined income of $6000, the maximum loan eligibility should be the same as long as you can prove your income accurately for the latest 12 months instead of just 3 months for an employed person.
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A maximum of 30% of your gross monthly income can go into home loan repayments currently. If you earn $3000, only $900 can be used to pay for your housing loan. This is known as the Mortgage Servicing Ratio(MSR). That is how the loan eligibility is calculated.
How Much Loan Can You Get For Your HDB flat? I hope this post has given you a clearer understanding of the loan process and the eligibility criteria. Now you can embark on your house hunting with a peace of mind.
Meski begitu, bertengkar juga harus ada adabnya, terutama pertengkaran antara pasangan suami dan istri. Jangan sampai 3 hal ini ada saat perselisihan terjadi, seperti yang dikutip dari ruangmuslimah.
1. Hindari KDRT
Dalam Al-Quran Allah membolehkan seorang suami untuk memukul istrinya ketika sang istri membangkang. Sebagaimana firman Allah di surat An-Nisa: Wanita-wanita yang kamu khawatirkan tidak tunduk, nasehatilah mereka dan pisahkanlah mereka di tempat tidur mereka, dan pukullah mereka. kemudian jika mereka mentaatimu, Maka janganlah kamu mencari-cari jalan untuk menyusahkannya..(QS. An-Nisa: 34)
Namun ini izin ini tidak berlaku secara mutlak. Sehingga suami bebas melampiaskan kemarahannya dengan menganiaya istrinya. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memberikan batasan lain tentang izin memukul, terutama bagian wajah dan kepala. Sebagaimana sabda beliau, “jangan memukul wajah.” Mencakup kata wajah adalah semua kepala. Karena kepala manusia adalah hal yang paling penting. Ada banyak organ vital yang menjadi pusat indera manusia.
Selain itu jangan juga sampai kelewat batas. Batasan ini disebutkan oleh Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dalam khutbah beliau ketika di Arafah, “Jika istri kalian melakukan pelanggaran itu, maka pukullah dia dengan pukulan yang tidak menyakitkan.” (HR. Muslim 1218)
2. Hindari Cacian
Allah tidak menyukai Ucapan buruk (caci maki), (yang diucapkan) dengan terus terang kecuali oleh orang yang dianiaya. (An-Nisa: 148)
Setidaknya, ketika dia tidak mampu memberi balasan secara fisik, dia mampu membalas dengan melukai hati orang yang mendzaliminya.
Sumber :
3. Tetap jaga ‘Aib’ ini
Bagian ini penting untuk kita perhatikan. Hal yang perlu disadari bagi orang yang sudah keluarganya, jadikan masalah keluarga sebagai rahasia anda berdua. Karena ketika masalah itu tidak melibatkan banyak pihak, akan lebih mudah untuk diselesaikan. Terkait tujuan ini, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menasehatkan, “jangan kamu boikot istrimu kecuali di rumah”
Ketika suami harus mengambil langkah memboikot istri karena masalah tertentu, jangan sampai boikot ini tersebar keluar sehingga diketahui banyak orang. Sekalipun suami istri sedang panas emosinya, namun ketika di luar, harus menampakkan seolah tidak ada masalah. Kecuali jika anda melaporkan kepada pihak yang berwenang, dalam rangka dilakukan perbaikan.
How Much Loan Can You Get For Your HDB flat?
While I was looking through my Facebook news feed last week, I came across a feed by someone who said he bought a $400K+ 5 room HDB flat only to find that he was only eligible for a loan of $200K+. The thought of coming up with $200K+ of cash is scary for any young couples who will be getting the keys to their HDB flat soon. So why was the loan eligibility so low? The answer: "both husband and wife are self employed."
Being a self employed, it can be harder to prove the income that you receive thus affecting your loan eligibility. We'll discuss more on the situation and what we can do to overcome it.
Process of applying for loan from HDB
Before we dive deeper into the situation of the self employed couple who didn't manage to secure a full loan, let's look at the process in applying for a loan from HDB.
Here's how the loan process works:
Before you apply for a BTO flat, you'll be required to submit a HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) Letter. From February 2015, buyers must produce the HDB Loan Eligibility letter when they book their flat and not at the signing of agreement which is 4 months later.
Once your application for HLE has been approved, you can proceed to apply for your flat.
Your HLE letter is only valid for 6 months
Most BTO flats take 2-3 years before they are completed so your 1st HLE will no longer be valid.
You'll be required to apply for a 2nd HLE. This is the important stage. If your HLE application does not cover 90% of HDB purchase price at this stage, you are required to top up by CPF/cash
If you are unable to top up, you will have to either take a bank loan or forfeit your flat and lose the 5% down payment you paid plus other initial cost
Applying for HDB loan as a self employed
If you're a self employed, applying for a HDB loan can be more complicated as compared to an employed person. Self employed can mean you own your own business or you're working as a freelance such as teaching private tuition etc.
As a self-employed applicant, you'd need to prepare the following documents to prove your income for the loan application:
a) Valid Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) Computer Information (Business Profile) or Valid license of business / trade; and
b) Latest Notice of Assessment from IRAS or Certified Annual Statement of Accounts from an audit firm; and
c) Credit bureau report#; and
d) Latest 12 months’ bank statements/passbook.
Where is the problem?
The problem will come when you cannot prove your income to HDB accurately. By accurately, it means do you have prove of your income and that you have the means to afford that flat you're buying?
For example, you may be teaching tuition on a full time basis and most parents or your students will pay you cash. If you do not deposit the money into your bank account, there is no way to prove that you actually did make that income you declared to HDB. Let's see how we can solve this problem.
How to get the loan you required for your HDB flat?
1. Credit your income into your bank account
For an employed person with CPF contributions, it is much easier to get the loan you required as you just need to provide latest 3 months payslip and latest 15 months CPF contribution history. All these information can be retrieved easily.
For all others without a fixed monthly income, the general guideline is you need to provide latest 12 months bank statements/passbook. Therefore, always remember to credit the income you receive from any sources especially 12 months before you apply for the HLE.
2. Declare your income accurately to IRAS
Another information that you need to provide to HDB for the HLE is your latest notice of assessment from IRAS or certified annual statements of accounts from an audit firm. If you're a business owner and have proper accounts and income tax declared accurately, it won't be much of a problem securing your loan.
However, if you're doing other freelance services on an individual basis, make sure you declare your income accurately to IRAS for tax purposes. You can't be saying you earn $3000 when your income declared is only $1000.
3. Take note of your other loans
If you have other loans such as student loans, car loans or credit card debt, it'll affect the loan eligibility you'll get as well. One thing to take note of is the Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR). It is at 60% currently. This means you can only take a maximum of 60% of your gross monthly income to pay for all loans. This include all your other loans such as car loans, credit card debts, students loans and personal loans etc.
4. Know how much loan you are eligible for
It is easy to plan ahead and know how much loan you're eligible for so you do not get a shock later. On the HDB website, they have a enquiry on maximum loan calculator where we can key in some of our details and know the estimated loan we're eligible for.
If you're self employed with a combined income of $6000, the maximum loan eligibility should be the same as long as you can prove your income accurately for the latest 12 months instead of just 3 months for an employed person.
source :
A maximum of 30% of your gross monthly income can go into home loan repayments currently. If you earn $3000, only $900 can be used to pay for your housing loan. This is known as the Mortgage Servicing Ratio(MSR). That is how the loan eligibility is calculated.
How Much Loan Can You Get For Your HDB flat? I hope this post has given you a clearer understanding of the loan process and the eligibility criteria. Now you can embark on your house hunting with a peace of mind.