Amalkan Dzikir Anti Capek Ini, Sangat Bermanfaat Untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga dan Pekerja Keras Baca Sekarang juga - Menjadi ibu rumah tangga itu harus siap capek kapanpun. Betapa tidak, pekerjaan rutin yang ada di depannya seolah tak kunjung berhenti.
Mengurus anak, menyapu, mencuci, menyetrika baju, memasak, membantu suami, memandikan anak dan pekerjaan seabrek lainnya.
Tak bisa dibayangkan betapa beratnya pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga tersebut. Oleh karenanya putri Rasulullah yang bernama Fatimah Radhiyallohu ‘Anha pernah meminta pembantu rumah kepada beliau Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam untuk meringankan pekerjaan rumahnya.
Namun Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam malah mengajarkan kepada putrinya dan juga suaminya Ali Radhiyallohu ‘Anhu bacaan dzikir yang nilainya lebih baik daripada pembantu yang diminta.
Lalu, bagaimanakah dzikir anti capek yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah tersebut?
Dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari (3705) dan Imam Muslim (2727), Rasulullah mengajarkan kepada putri beliau dan menantunya untuk senantiasa membaca tasbih, tahmid, dan takbir tiga puluh tiga kali. Kemudian beliau bersabda, “Itu lebih baik bagi kalian berdua daripada seorang pembantu.”
Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah dalam kitab Al-Waabil Ash-Shayyib Wa Raafi’u Al-Kalimi Ath-Thayyib menyebutkan perkataan gurunya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah yang berkata,
“Aku mendapatkan berita, bahwa orang yang senantiasa menjaga kalimat ini, maka dia tidak pernah merasakan keletihan, apakah karena bekerja atau yang lainnya.”
Nah, bagi para Ibu yang sibuk dan capek dalam mengurusi rumah maka baca dan amalkan dzikir di bawah ini sebelum beranjak tidur:
Subhannallohu (33 kali)
Alhamdulillah (33 kali)
Allahu Akbar (33 kali)
Bukan hanya untuk ibu rumah tangga saja, Namun juga bisa diamalkan bagi para suami yang sehari-harinya bekerja keras membanting tulang memeras keringat.
Tentunya untuk menghilangkan capek dan penatnya tubuh dalam mengurusi rumah tangga. Karena ini adalah dzikir ‘anti capek’ yang diajarkan Rasulullah Muhammad shallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.
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The best online banks are not difficult to find. In fact, they have become popular in recent years. There are banks that operate as internet only banks. Yet, there are also traditional brick and mortar banks that offer online banking to their customers. How do you choose the best online bank for you and your family? Here are some tips.
Determine your needs. What exactly do you need from an online bank? Do you travel a lot? Do you need to transfer a lot of money from one account to another? Do you usually pay merchants and corporate accounts regularly? Or do you need an internet banking account just for yourself and your family?
If you sit down and analyze your needs, you can easily look for the features that will appeal to you. Most internet banks have the same features-online bills payments, transferring funds from one account to another, etc. But if you know the various ways in which you will use this facility, you can maximize it for yourself.
Review the features of the web-based bank. Next, you need to review the features and facility of the bank. Which of these features will you be using regularly? You may need to pay for some of the features of the bank you will use. But if the feature is worth it, then you can easily justify the fee associated with it.
Open an account. Set aside some amount for opening an account. It could be a savings account, a checking account, or even a credit card or loan account. If you open an account, you may need to prepare several documents such as your Social Security Number, a government-issued ID, and any other document the bank will ask from you.
You may need to visit a bank and open an account. It's just easy. The tellers and account managers of the bank can easily guide you through the process. Some banks even allow you to open an account online as long as you provide all the necessary information.
Register online. Apart from opening an account, you may also need to register online to use the internet banking facility. But it's very easy. If you have questions, you can easily call the contact center of the bank and ask for help and guidance.
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Secure your online account. Make sure that you exercise diligence and prudence in managing your online account. Don't share your passwords with anyone. Avoid clicking any email message asking you to confirm some account information or details.
Enjoy the features of your online bank. When you have opened an account and registered for an online account, it's time to maximize your use of the online banking facility.
Use it as often as you can. Use it whenever you want to and wherever you may be. That's the beauty of online banking, the best online banks will offer you the best value for your time and money.
Tak bisa dibayangkan betapa beratnya pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga tersebut. Oleh karenanya putri Rasulullah yang bernama Fatimah Radhiyallohu ‘Anha pernah meminta pembantu rumah kepada beliau Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wassalam untuk meringankan pekerjaan rumahnya.
Namun Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam malah mengajarkan kepada putrinya dan juga suaminya Ali Radhiyallohu ‘Anhu bacaan dzikir yang nilainya lebih baik daripada pembantu yang diminta.
Lalu, bagaimanakah dzikir anti capek yang diajarkan oleh Rasulullah tersebut?
Dalam sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari (3705) dan Imam Muslim (2727), Rasulullah mengajarkan kepada putri beliau dan menantunya untuk senantiasa membaca tasbih, tahmid, dan takbir tiga puluh tiga kali. Kemudian beliau bersabda, “Itu lebih baik bagi kalian berdua daripada seorang pembantu.”
Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyah dalam kitab Al-Waabil Ash-Shayyib Wa Raafi’u Al-Kalimi Ath-Thayyib menyebutkan perkataan gurunya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah yang berkata,
“Aku mendapatkan berita, bahwa orang yang senantiasa menjaga kalimat ini, maka dia tidak pernah merasakan keletihan, apakah karena bekerja atau yang lainnya.”
Nah, bagi para Ibu yang sibuk dan capek dalam mengurusi rumah maka baca dan amalkan dzikir di bawah ini sebelum beranjak tidur:
Subhannallohu (33 kali)
Alhamdulillah (33 kali)
Allahu Akbar (33 kali)
Bukan hanya untuk ibu rumah tangga saja, Namun juga bisa diamalkan bagi para suami yang sehari-harinya bekerja keras membanting tulang memeras keringat.
Tentunya untuk menghilangkan capek dan penatnya tubuh dalam mengurusi rumah tangga. Karena ini adalah dzikir ‘anti capek’ yang diajarkan Rasulullah Muhammad shallahu ‘alaihi wasallam.
Bagikan artikel ini ke teman anda agar lebih bermanfaat
How to Choose The Best online bank
The best online banks are not difficult to find. In fact, they have become popular in recent years. There are banks that operate as internet only banks. Yet, there are also traditional brick and mortar banks that offer online banking to their customers. How do you choose the best online bank for you and your family? Here are some tips.
Determine your needs. What exactly do you need from an online bank? Do you travel a lot? Do you need to transfer a lot of money from one account to another? Do you usually pay merchants and corporate accounts regularly? Or do you need an internet banking account just for yourself and your family?
If you sit down and analyze your needs, you can easily look for the features that will appeal to you. Most internet banks have the same features-online bills payments, transferring funds from one account to another, etc. But if you know the various ways in which you will use this facility, you can maximize it for yourself.
Review the features of the web-based bank. Next, you need to review the features and facility of the bank. Which of these features will you be using regularly? You may need to pay for some of the features of the bank you will use. But if the feature is worth it, then you can easily justify the fee associated with it.
Open an account. Set aside some amount for opening an account. It could be a savings account, a checking account, or even a credit card or loan account. If you open an account, you may need to prepare several documents such as your Social Security Number, a government-issued ID, and any other document the bank will ask from you.
You may need to visit a bank and open an account. It's just easy. The tellers and account managers of the bank can easily guide you through the process. Some banks even allow you to open an account online as long as you provide all the necessary information.
Register online. Apart from opening an account, you may also need to register online to use the internet banking facility. But it's very easy. If you have questions, you can easily call the contact center of the bank and ask for help and guidance.
Article Source:
Secure your online account. Make sure that you exercise diligence and prudence in managing your online account. Don't share your passwords with anyone. Avoid clicking any email message asking you to confirm some account information or details.
Enjoy the features of your online bank. When you have opened an account and registered for an online account, it's time to maximize your use of the online banking facility.
Use it as often as you can. Use it whenever you want to and wherever you may be. That's the beauty of online banking, the best online banks will offer you the best value for your time and money.