Kisah Nyata : Jenazah Ini Diikuti Ribuan Kucing. Ternyata Ini Yang Dilakukan Almarhum Semasa Hidupnya

Kisah Nyata : Jenazah Ini Diikuti Ribuan Kucing. Ternyata Ini Yang Dilakukan Almarhum Semasa Hidupnya

Kisah Nyata : Jenazah Ini Diikuti Ribuan Kucing. Ternyata Ini Yang Dilakukan Almarhum Semasa Hidupnya - Semua yang terjadi pasti ada hikmahnya, jika dialami dan diambil oleh orang-orang yang berakal, bijaksana, dan berpikir. Banyak kisah yang menceritakan teladan dan contoh yang baik dan layak diikuti.
Machine, Motorcycyle, Repairing Machine of Motorcycle

Sebuah cerita dari Habib Munzir Bin Fuad Al Musawwa berikut ini, bisa kita ambil hikmakmnya, mengenai hikmah dari apa yang dianggap sepele oleh sebagian orang, namun ternyata bermanfaat bagi makluk Allah yang lain.

Kisah tersebut bertopik ”Jenazah Wanita Yang Diikuti Banyak Kucing ”. Al- Habib menceritakan.

“Seorang Wanita Yang Jenazahnya diikuti Banyak Kucing” Terjadi beberapa waktu silam. kala itu Al-Habib masih di Tarim, Hadramaut.

Tinggal beberapa lama di kota syihir. Saat itu , ada seorang wanita tua wafat, suatu hari beliau melihat jenazah tersebut diusung. Tapi ada satu kejadian yang ganjil.

Apa yang ganjil?

Ketika jenazahnya diusung, banyak orang yang mengusungnya, di samping itu ada pula ratusan atau mungkin ribuan ekor kucing turut mengantarkan jenazah tersebut.

“Ini ganjil, aku fikir ada jenazah diikuti ratusan ekor kucing dan baru ini aku melihatnya. Ketika aku bertanya– tanya, kenapa ini?” Kata Habib Munzir.

Mereka memuji wanita tua yang wafat itu alaiha rahmatullah.

Ya, memang, di masa hidupnya , nafkahnya dicukupi oleh anak – anaknya, kerjanya tiap pagi pergi ke pasar mengambil kepala – kepala ikan yang terbuang dan ditaruh di sebuah gerobak dan kemudian wanita tua tadi melemparnya kepada semua kucing yang ada di jalanan.

Bertahun – tahun hal tersebut dilakukan sang wanita tua tersebut, hingga tiap pagi, ratusan kucing berjajar di jalanan menunggu makanan yang diberikan dari wanita tua itu.

Kemudian ketika ia wafat, ribuan ekor kucing itu mengantarkan jenazahnya. Berhari –hari puluhan ekor kucing tidak meninggalkan kuburnya.

Sungguh, bahwa Islam adalah agama rahmatan lil’allamin yang mengajarkan kita untuk selalu memuliakan setiap makluk ciptaan Allah.


Repairing Machine of Motocycle

Repairing Machine of Motocycle (HONDA, YAMAHA, SUZUKI, KAWAZAKI)
All motorcycles in the world requires regular maintenance in order to continue to be used well. Various motorcycle company was officially opened workshops in various parts of the country as a form of post-sales service to its customers.

Various well-known brands such as Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Bajaj, Kawasaki, and others have service repair and maintenance services as well as sales of genuine parts. As a user of a good bike fitting to take care of our bikes in the garage playing well and at public workshops.

If we choose to serve our motorcycles in authorized workshops, it is definitely different ordinances motorcycle servicing procedures in ordinary bangkel receiving any motorcycle.

In general we live workshop came and told one of the guards or mechanic what we want, wait their turn, and then the motorcycle serviced and the last one is paid. In authorized workshops there are stages that must be passed between the authorized repair shops are different from each other.

How to Perform a Service / Repair Motorcycle in Official Workshop:

1. Early Stage Preparation Prior to Workshop

Prepare papers / documents motorcycles that we have, such as ID cards, vehicle registration motorcycle, warranty card and motorcycle maintenance book (if it is still new and getting a free initial service). Do not forget you should take the motorcycle spare key for the given key to a repair shop that we normally do not wear dirty and do not need to be dismantled to pieces of key chains which together with the other key.

Make sure the shop is still open and still accepting registration service with a call to the authorized repair shop. Do not get the wrong garage with workshop trademark choose different brands of motorcycles with us. Bring enough money for a service that is not home or looking for atm machine when less money to pay for services authorized workshops.

2. Registration at the Registration Counters stage

Once we arrived at the authorized workshops, just look for a motorcycle service registration booth. Then met the officer and pointed out the desire for a motorcycle to service. Usually will be asked for original documents such as vehicle registration, motorcycle lock and if it is new and would like to request a free service care book that will be asked to come together at the time of first receiving motorcycles.

Perhaps no form filling, oral questions and or signature that must be completed before the petition we received. Do not forget to tell the duty officer if the registration booth on our motorcycles there are complaints, problems or technical malfunction.

After all finishes will usually be given a queue number service service motorcycle. We must wait until the entire process is completed, but it could also go home and come back again after our motorcycle repaired.

3. By Stage Repair or Maintenance Mechanic

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Once we got the motorcycle turn serviced by authorized repair shop mechanics, then we must accompany mechanic to make sure the mechanical had done its job properly, to learn how our own motorcycle servicing, and also to bring issues and concerns regarding motorcycle usual we use it.

Our motorcycles will be tested by the mechanic after diservice. Ask if the condition is good or not so that we could know the problems that still exist on our motorcycles. Use the valuable opportunity to gather information from the mechanic and also to ensure we kedaraan free of technical problems.

4. Phase Post-Repair

After we finished bike repaired or serviced, then we can just give a queue number to the cashier or clerk registration and say that we've finished the motor serviced. Later the officer will calculate the cost of repair or service on our motorcycle and collect money its service.

Then we paid up in full, then the officer will provide a variety of documents and keys that had been seized as well as give us the payment receipt or receipt. After all is complete then we can go home or return to continue our activities with riding a motorcycle that has been serviced at authorized workshops.

I got home, store documents and spare key in a safe and easy to remember for the next service.

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