Ternyata Terlalu Banyak Makan Ikan Asing Dapat Memicu Kanker - Hati hati untuk anda yang suka makan ikan asing. Sebuah penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa jika orang yang memiliki kebiasaan makan ikan laut yang diawetkan, misal ikan asin atau ikan asap, maka akan berdampak menimbulkan penyakit berikut ini.
Bila anda adalah seorang suka mengkomsumsi Ikan Asing maka anda wajib menyimak informasi penting ini. Namun tidak bermaksud menakut-nakuti, tapi sekedar mengingatkan saja bahwa bila anda sering mengonsumsi ikan asin terlalu maka bisa memicu timbulnya kanker nasofaring alias kanker pangkal tenggorokan.
Terdapat penelitian yang mengungkap bahwa seseorang yang sudah terbiasa mengkomsumsi ikan laut yang diawetkan, semisal ikan asap atau ikan asing, maka resiko untuk terjangkit penyakit ini peluangnya lebih besar.
Hal tersebut dikarenakan substansi nitrosamin yang terdapat pada ikan yang diawetkan, terbukti mampu mengakibatkan kelainan yakni kanker nasofaring. Hal ini telah diuji cobakan kepada tikus yang diberi zat ini berulang-ulang dan terkena penyakit tersebut.
Selain itu Ikan asin juga mengandung nitrosamin yang ternyata berfungsi sebagai pengaktif virus Epstein-Barr. Virus tersebutlah yang menjadi pemicu utama kanker nasofaring (kanker kanker tenggorokan atau THT). Menurut penelitian, penyakit ini lebih banyak menyerang pria dibandingkan wanita. Perbandingannya sekitar 2:1.
Fakta yang lebig mencengankan lagi adalah bahwa jenis kanker ini dapat ditemukan di berbagai negara di dunia. Dan menurut informasi bahwa yang terbanyak berada di Tiongkok selatan. Bahkan, keturunan Tionghoa yang tinggal di Amerika Serikat, tak sedikit yang menderita penyakit ini.
Kenapa banyak dari warga Tiongkok tersebut terjangkit penyakit ini? Hal ini dikarenakan ternyata memiliki kebiasaan mengkomsumsi ikan asin sejak mereka masih balita dimana mereka menggunakannya sebagai makanan tambahan.
Yang menjadi pertanyaan besar adalah apakah kita tidak boleh mengonsumsi ikan asin?
Jawabnya adalah bisa namun, jangan terlalu sering, silahkan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda saja dan usahakan menu makanan anda bervariasi dan tidak hanya terpaku pada Ikan Asing saja.
sumber : http : // intisari. grid. id/Wellness/Fitness-And-Health/Awas-Sering-Makan-Ikan-Asin-Dapat-Memicu-Kanker
Jangan lupa baca artikel menarik lainnya di bawah
There are very many mesothelioma law firms around and the main reason why they specialize in these particular cases is the huge return the cases can fetch. Others might be genuinely out there for the compassion of mesothelioma victims but, they are limited.
Firstly though, mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the protective lining of the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. This is a natural mineral that has very many industrial uses mainly because of its heat and fire resistant qualities. It is known to lodge in the system when inhaled where it can stay there for many years where finally it causes the emergence of a disease. It has no scent and its fibers in the air are microscopic. Therefore mesothelioma law firms are relevant in the following way.
Firstly, the companies that employ workers to work exposed to asbestos have a case to answer because they have a moral duty to inform workers. They are therefore directly responsible for the illness in their worker. When a mesothelioma victim decides to file a suit against the company, they need to have the representation of good lawyers who can be found in a good mesothelioma law firm.
Some of the workers who might be at risk to asbestos exposure include miners, millers, shipyard workers, building construction workers and others. With the serious realization of the dangers posed by asbestos, strict legislation have been put in place to ban certain types of asbestos and also there are restrictions on the amount of asbestos exposed to workers.
Also, workers who are close to asbestos have protective cloths and equipment to protect then from the substance. When they leave work, most workers take a shower and change cloths to avoid contaminating their families. When you suspect that you might be suffering from mesothelioma, you need to visit a doctor for a diagnosis.
If you have the disease, you need to take time and look for a reputable mesothelioma law firm which will have good lawyers. They should have some experience in this kinds of cases. They should not live very far from where you are located so that you can reach them with minimal cost. The mesothelioma law firm should be legal and licensed to practice law in your particular state or country. They should give you more information on the cases they have been able to resolve.
On the internet, you will find very many mesothelioma law firms advertising themselves and you should not just take them at face value. You need to contact them and visit their offices to get a first hand feel of what they are all about. Many firms will be literally fighting for your case and you do not have to hire the ones who are first make a perfect pitch.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Gitundu/183485
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1267753.
Firstly, you need to know that they can represent you and win the case. You should discuss on the attorney fee before you hire the lawyer from the law firms. Usually, the most common way of payment is through a contingency basis and this means that they will be paid when you win the case. There is no doubt that with the right lawyers on your side, you are certain to get your deserved justice will be served.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Mesothelioma Lung Cancer. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here MESOTHELIOMA LUNG CANCER If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.
Bila anda adalah seorang suka mengkomsumsi Ikan Asing maka anda wajib menyimak informasi penting ini. Namun tidak bermaksud menakut-nakuti, tapi sekedar mengingatkan saja bahwa bila anda sering mengonsumsi ikan asin terlalu maka bisa memicu timbulnya kanker nasofaring alias kanker pangkal tenggorokan.
Terdapat penelitian yang mengungkap bahwa seseorang yang sudah terbiasa mengkomsumsi ikan laut yang diawetkan, semisal ikan asap atau ikan asing, maka resiko untuk terjangkit penyakit ini peluangnya lebih besar.
Hal tersebut dikarenakan substansi nitrosamin yang terdapat pada ikan yang diawetkan, terbukti mampu mengakibatkan kelainan yakni kanker nasofaring. Hal ini telah diuji cobakan kepada tikus yang diberi zat ini berulang-ulang dan terkena penyakit tersebut.
Selain itu Ikan asin juga mengandung nitrosamin yang ternyata berfungsi sebagai pengaktif virus Epstein-Barr. Virus tersebutlah yang menjadi pemicu utama kanker nasofaring (kanker kanker tenggorokan atau THT). Menurut penelitian, penyakit ini lebih banyak menyerang pria dibandingkan wanita. Perbandingannya sekitar 2:1.
Fakta yang lebig mencengankan lagi adalah bahwa jenis kanker ini dapat ditemukan di berbagai negara di dunia. Dan menurut informasi bahwa yang terbanyak berada di Tiongkok selatan. Bahkan, keturunan Tionghoa yang tinggal di Amerika Serikat, tak sedikit yang menderita penyakit ini.
Kenapa banyak dari warga Tiongkok tersebut terjangkit penyakit ini? Hal ini dikarenakan ternyata memiliki kebiasaan mengkomsumsi ikan asin sejak mereka masih balita dimana mereka menggunakannya sebagai makanan tambahan.
Yang menjadi pertanyaan besar adalah apakah kita tidak boleh mengonsumsi ikan asin?
Jawabnya adalah bisa namun, jangan terlalu sering, silahkan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda saja dan usahakan menu makanan anda bervariasi dan tidak hanya terpaku pada Ikan Asing saja.
sumber : http : // intisari. grid. id/Wellness/Fitness-And-Health/Awas-Sering-Makan-Ikan-Asin-Dapat-Memicu-Kanker
Jangan lupa baca artikel menarik lainnya di bawah
There are very many mesothelioma law firms around and the main reason why they specialize in these particular cases is the huge return the cases can fetch. Others might be genuinely out there for the compassion of mesothelioma victims but, they are limited.
Firstly though, mesothelioma is a cancer that affects the protective lining of the heart, lungs and abdomen. The known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. This is a natural mineral that has very many industrial uses mainly because of its heat and fire resistant qualities. It is known to lodge in the system when inhaled where it can stay there for many years where finally it causes the emergence of a disease. It has no scent and its fibers in the air are microscopic. Therefore mesothelioma law firms are relevant in the following way.
Firstly, the companies that employ workers to work exposed to asbestos have a case to answer because they have a moral duty to inform workers. They are therefore directly responsible for the illness in their worker. When a mesothelioma victim decides to file a suit against the company, they need to have the representation of good lawyers who can be found in a good mesothelioma law firm.
Some of the workers who might be at risk to asbestos exposure include miners, millers, shipyard workers, building construction workers and others. With the serious realization of the dangers posed by asbestos, strict legislation have been put in place to ban certain types of asbestos and also there are restrictions on the amount of asbestos exposed to workers.
Also, workers who are close to asbestos have protective cloths and equipment to protect then from the substance. When they leave work, most workers take a shower and change cloths to avoid contaminating their families. When you suspect that you might be suffering from mesothelioma, you need to visit a doctor for a diagnosis.
If you have the disease, you need to take time and look for a reputable mesothelioma law firm which will have good lawyers. They should have some experience in this kinds of cases. They should not live very far from where you are located so that you can reach them with minimal cost. The mesothelioma law firm should be legal and licensed to practice law in your particular state or country. They should give you more information on the cases they have been able to resolve.
On the internet, you will find very many mesothelioma law firms advertising themselves and you should not just take them at face value. You need to contact them and visit their offices to get a first hand feel of what they are all about. Many firms will be literally fighting for your case and you do not have to hire the ones who are first make a perfect pitch.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Peter_Gitundu/183485
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1267753.
Firstly, you need to know that they can represent you and win the case. You should discuss on the attorney fee before you hire the lawyer from the law firms. Usually, the most common way of payment is through a contingency basis and this means that they will be paid when you win the case. There is no doubt that with the right lawyers on your side, you are certain to get your deserved justice will be served.
Peter Gitundu Creates Interesting And Thought Provoking Content on Mesothelioma Lung Cancer. For More Information, Read More Of His Articles Here MESOTHELIOMA LUNG CANCER If You Enjoyed Reading This Article, Make Sure You SUBSCRIBE TO MY RSS FEED! To Receive My Most Recent Posts & Updates.