Cara Ampuh Mengobati Penyakit Jantung Diabetes Dan Darah Tinggi

Cara Ampuh Mengobati Penyakit Jantung Diabetes Dan Darah Tinggi

Cara Ampuh Mengobati Penyakit Jantung, Diabetes, Dan Darah Tinggi Yang Belum Banyak Diketahui Orang, Mohon Di SHARE! Inilah Obat Ampuh Penyakit Jantung, Diabetes, Dan Darah Tinggi Yang Kurang Diketahui Orang. Banyak Bahan alami yang ternyata dapat mengobati berbagai penyakit, salah satunya sebagai berikut
Cara Ampun Mengobati Penyakit Jantung, Diabetes, Dan Darah Tinggi

Jika Anda atau sanak keluarga ataupun teman anda ada yang menderita jantung, diabetes serta darah tinggi, maka saat ini anda tidak perlu cemas lagi. Karena ramuan alami ini bisa menolong untuk menyembuhkan serta mengobati penyakit-penyakit tersebut.

Ramuan ini sudah dibuktikan sendiri oleh Ustaz Sharhan Syafie yang berhasil menyembuhkan penyakit jantung, k3nc!ng manis, serta darah tinggi.

Berikut bahan yang perlu anda sediakan beserta langkah penyajiannya :

Sediakan satu kelapa muda yang dalamnya masih lembut
Ditambah 3 batang serai yang telah diketuk/geprek,
Lebih 7 biji halba,
Kemudian panasi serta minum airnya.
Silahkan konsumsi ramuan ini 2 hari sekali, jadi semisal anda punya 7 buah kelapa muda, maka itu cukup untuk dikonsumsi selama14 hari.

Insha Allah, bila panduan ini dilakukan sesuai dengan anjuran maka 80% peluang penyakit anda bisa sembuh.

Tolong agar artikel ini di SHARE pada teman-teman facebook anda yang lain, supaya mudah di baca oleh mereka yang menderita penyakit jantung, diabetes serta darah tinggi.

Jangan lupa baca artikel menarik lainnya di bawah 


Choosing a bank could be quite challenging today. There are so many financial trusts owning huge amount of banks. Here are the most important questions to consider when choosing a bank.

* Start by planning and thinking. What do you need from your bank? What kind of financial services? Are you a saver and need better interest rates for your saving accounts or prefer being able to often do overdrafts at better rates?

* Consolidate your accounts. Over time modern business people tend to have too many bank accounts in different bank. The advantage of that is that people are not putting all the eggs in one basket, the disadvantage is tons of admin maintaining and looking after so many accounts. Think about consolidating some of your accounts. Most of the people hardly need more than one current and a couple of saving accounts.

* If you are in the US use comparison bank services like BankRate or FindABetterBank. Compare not only the rates of different accounts but look at the specific terms & conditions and bank policies.

* Look for large and widely known bank is usually safer. The famous banks though usually do not provide the most valuable products. Keep the balance and choose a bank that will provide good terms but is also well known.

* The location and the size of the bank are also important. It really is great to have a bank branch near your home. If you travel abroad often it is also a good idea to choose an international bank with branches in the countries you visit.

* Be careful with the bank fees. Make sure you are choosing a bank that does not make you pay a fee every time you do something with them. Unfortunately banks have the right to change that and even if you start with a bank that does not have regular fees for using ATM, bank withdraws or online banking, eventually the bank might introduce fees in due time.

* Call a bank representative and ask your most important questions. Do not let anybody delude you with vague answers. Be persistent and ask for clear and straightforward answers.

* Consider which products you would be using and do not pay for something you are not. For example there is different kind of insurances but think about if you are receiving any value from your optional products. If not – terminate them.

source :

* Do not be afraid to leave when you find out that the chosen bank does not actually provide value and the services they promised.

* Some banks have specifically designed products for people with a lot of cash. Other banks specialise in providing loans with decent rates. Think about what do you need and choose your bank accordingly.

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